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My Experiment So Far

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Well, as I mentioned in my last post I am trying to make the most of the articles which I have already written for the purpose of selling products. Basically, I created two different blogs centered around two different niches that I have been marketing for. And on these two blogs I have been posting my previously written articles daily. My goal with this experiment is to continue to build content for these two niche blogs and seo them in hopes of eventually receiving some organic traffic from google.

How has it gone so far? As expected, I haven't received any organic traffic yet from google and the only traffic that I have received has been from my social bookmarking. Doing this experiment I realize that I have to be patient and expect results only in the long run. One thing that will be doing in order to get some more instant traffic and further seo my blogs is to do a little article marketing. I've already submitted one article for one of my niche blogs but I plan to write at least five articles for each.

On another note, ClickBank has still been inconsistent and dissapointing for me. Something is definitely up whether it be ClickBank itself or our current economic situation. Even so, I keep on telling myself to work even harder no matter what the circumstance.

Anyways, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out my FREE report by clicking here.

Make The Most Of Your Article Marketing Efforts

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This post is geared towards those of you who are using article marketing in order to make money through affiliate marketing. However, this concept can be used by anyone who is willing to create content or find good content.

So anyway yesterday I was just thinking about ways to expand my income streams and broaden my efforts of affiliate marketing. And literally out of nowhere I got this great idea. I thought to myself, "Why not use the articles I have already published on EzineArticles.com and create blog around them?". Ok, I realize that this idea is probably being used by many people and has been used by many people to make money online. But for some reason when the idea came about it just sort of clicked with me. I knew that I had to at least try the idea to see if it would work. And so I did.

Today, I created a Blogger blog that is about none other than "Making Money Online". You see, I have written around 50 or so articles about this subject either promoting this blog or products. For this reason I thought it would be a good subject to base my experiment around. My sources of income will be through Clickbank and adsense (hopefully!). Starting today I will post 3 of my articles on the blog every single day. Don't ask why I picked 3, it just seems like a good number to work with. At this point I'm not sure how I will go about driving traffic to this blog. In fact, I'm not even sure if I'm going to actively promote it. It would be cool to see what kinds of results I would see if I just relied on organic traffic.

One concern I had going into this experiment was the fact that a lot of the articles that I will be posting on my blog are similar. These articles have all been written in order to drive traffic to this blog which is based around "Making Money Online" or to generate sales. But after evaluating this concern I realized that someone visiting my blog most likely isn't going to be worried about there being similar articles as long as there is high quality content.

Anyways, I urge you to do as I am and make the most of your article marketing efforts. You've already spent the time to write the content so why not try to make some extra money with them? At the very least please follow my experiment because I plan to update on how things are going regularly in addition to my regular informative posts.

Oh yeah, and don't forget to check out my FREE report on making money online using FREE methods. Click here to grab it while it's still FREE. Thanks for reading!

Don't Limit Your Potential Earnings

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One of the things that sucks about being 17 is that I am limited to what I can do online. Number 18 is the number that gives me the freedom I want and I still have an entire year to go. And as a result of this I really only have one main source of income that I can work with which is ClickBank. Now, don't get me wrong ClickBank is a great source of income for me right now and it's where I began my journey of making money online. It's just that I can't help but feel cheated. I know there is so much more out there when it comes to making money online and yet there is no way for me to take advantage of it. Ok, I lied. I can use other methods of making money that require me to be 18 by getting my parents to sign up. But to me, this just isn't the same.

The point I am trying to make here is that you need to make sure that you aren't limiting yourself to one stream of income online. You need to pursue many different methods in order to maximize your profits online. And even if you aren't making a killing with all of them, each of them will do their part in bringing you that fat paycheck. Anyways, thanks for reading and if you enjoyed this post don't forget to check out my FREE report by clicking here.