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My FREE Report On Making Money Online

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Are you guys interested in making money online using free methods? Well, guess what? I've just created a report titled "Can You Really Make Money Online For Free?". Guess how much I'm selling it for? It's completely FREE. So not only will you receive my FREE report on making money online using FREE methods but you will also be receiving exclusive insider tips on making money online from myself through my newsletter. How can you get your hands on this valuable content before I decide to start charging money?

It's incredibly simple. Just fill in your name and email address in the form below and then click get more info. Next you will need to verify that you would like to receive my FREE report by checking your email. Pretty simple, right? Get it while it's free!


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Back To Normal...Maybe?

Alright so as you know I made a post a few days ago about the payment processing issues with ClickBank. And as a result of these issues I had a pretty horrible week last week (along with many other ClickBank affiliates). Well, it seems as though things may be getting better although I won't get my hopes up just yet. The reason that I say that the problems with ClickBank may have been resolved is because I had a pretty nice day yesterday with two sales totaling $77. And get this, they were both from credit cards! Just look below for a quick snapshot. Now, as I mentioned before I'm not getting my hopes up just yet as I have yet to see a sale today. But right now that $77 is giving keeping me going, and hopefully things will return to normal soon.

ClickBank Payment Processing Issues


Well, it seems as though there are some nasty side effects rising to the surface as a result of a recent update to ClickBank's payment processing system. There have been many affiliates complaining that they have seen a sudden dip in sales throughout this month and in particular after the recent update to ClickBank's payment processing system. It seems as though many potential customer's are getting error messages when attempting to purchase products through ClickBank using a credit card. Some affiliates/publishers have even recieved email's from potential buyer's informing them of this problem. This is a real issue backed with solid proof. And it's beggining to get on a lot of folk's nerves, including myself. It's one thing for ClickBank to have a few days of iffy performance but it's another when it is an ongoing issue that ClickBank won't even admit to existing.

Anyways, I've really been hit hard over the past week due to these ongoing payment issues. After having an amazing last Sunday I have only seen one measly sale through PayPal this week. And this is abnormal for me because I hardly ever go a day without a sale. That's just how it goes sometimes I guess, and there is really nothing more that we can do than continue to work. A pain in the ass to say the least...

How To Maximize The Effectiveness Of Keyword Density In Articles

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When using article marketing as a means to drive traffic and generate sales it is important to first do your keyword research before writing an article. Finding keyword phrases that are profitable is essential to producing a successful article. It's one thing to just whip up an article but it's another to produce an article that ranks high in the search engines and gets a lot of click throughs. Guess what though? This isn't enough. Sure finding profitable keywords will help your articles tremendously, but there is one more step that needs to be taken if you want to enjoy real success with your articles.

In order to squeeze the most potential out of your articles you will need to place your keywords carefully throughout the article as well as come up with keywords that are similar to preexisting ones. For instance, let's take a look at the ever popular "make money online". This is an incredibly popular and competitive keyword. Instead of just using "make money online" in an article I would use similar phrases such as "earn money online", "make some money online", "make serious cash online", etc. This will not only help your article produce better results but it will also allow you write a keyword rich article without violating the editorial guidelines of Ezine Articles.

Now, go get back to work!

It's All About The Mindset

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Today, I'm going to talk about something a little different than usual. I guess you could call this a self help or self motivational post. Ok, let's get started.

Stay Focused

As with anything in life that requires hard work, internet marketing be very discouraging. Why? Because along with requiring hard work and dedication in order to be successful, internet marketing does not guarantee success even with these two things. It is a constant learning process that for the most part is trial and error. You will succumb to many failures during your internet marketing journey but when this happens you need to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. You see, with failure comes a great amount of education. Yes, you might have failed at say getting a readers to click through in your articles, but you will also know how to improve upon this failure the next time you go to write an article.

My Motivation

Wait...So What's Your Point?

The point that I am trying to make is that even when you are experiencing low times in your internet marketing campaigns you need to be able to look at the bigger picture. You need to tell yourself to keep on working even harder when you don't feel like doing shit. How? You need to set yourself goals. Seriously, this can help tremendously with keeping a positive and successful mindset. And as ridiculous as it might sound you need to write down this goal on real paper. Yes, that's right. Real, lined paper. And you also need to keep this paper wherever you are working so that you will see it each and every day.

Believe me, goal setting helps leaps and bounds with getting work done and persisting. For me, it's earning enough cash to be able to buy my own car. So whenever I get down about how things are going I always tell myself to push harder because in the long run it will allow me to get my own car. Anyways, I hope I could provide some insight for you guys. If you have any questions or just want to voice your opinion, please post a comment.

The Newbie Blueprint Review

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What Is The Newbie Blueprint?

Simply put, The Newbie Blueprint is a product that shows exactly how you can start making over $3,000 a month with no experience at all with internet marketing by using absolutely free methods. In this post I am going to go into great detail what The Newbie Blueprint offers and whether or not it is worth your time.

Is This Just A Blind Promotion?

Before I get started with the review I want to make one thing very clear. I do own this product. This is not me blatantly promoting this product in hopes that I will make a quick buck. And yes, I have looked through the whole entire product. Click the picture below to see a screenshot of my copy.

The Contents Of The Newbie Blueprint

If you look above to the section where I tell you that I actually own this product, you can actually see what is included. There are four pieces to the puzzle that is The Newbie Blueprint. Upon purchasing your own copy you will receive The Newbie Blueprint itself, The Newbie Blueprint Workbook, and two colorful diagrams that help put the whole concept of The Newbie Blueprint into a visual form. All of these four parts help to make this product very easy to understand and utilize for yourself.

Why The Newbie Blueprint?

At this point you are probably wondering how this product is different from any other "make money online" products out there. And I don't blame you because there are probably hundreds and hundreds of products based around making money online. But believe me, The Newbie Blueprint is a completely unique system that offers a reliable way of making some solid cash online with no fluff or hype. I've even put together a nice list for you that shows exactly why this product is much better than the competition...

  • No Hype. Just What Works.
  • Tells You How To Make Money Online...FOR FREE
  • You Don't Need Any Experience With Internet Marketing
  • The Potential To Make $3,000+ Within The First Month Of Using This System
  • Includes Visual Diagrams So You Aren't Just Reading A Wall Of Text
  • Everything You Need Is Included. There Are No Missing Parts.
  • Tell Me Where You Can Find Another Product This Good, This Cheap?

But don't take my word for it. Take a look at the official website and see for yourself. I'll just say one more thing before I am done. If you are serious about making some serious cash online then The Newbie Blueprint is you best bet. Anyways, just click the link below to visit the official site and look at some of the awesome customer testimonials...


A Quick Overview Of Bum Marketing

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This blog is still fairly new and as a result I haven't really covered many areas of internet marketing and making money online. And unfortunately, I've been a little too specific in my first few posts. What I mean by this is that I've talked about the specific steps in making money online but I didn't really go over the basic method itself. Well, in this post I am going to outline one of the best free methods of making money online so that you can both better understand my previous posts with some context and understand the process of making money online for free in general.

One Of The Best Methods Of Making Money Online For Free Is...

The method of earning money that I am referring to is called Bum Marketing. The term was officially coined by a man named Travis Sago who said that the process "is so easy a bum could do it". Bum Marketing isn't a new and revolutionary form of internet marketing, but it does combine several preexisting techniques in order to create a very effective way of making money online for free. But enough of the pointless chatter, let's get down to business and find out what makes up Bum Marketing!

Bum Marketing - The Journey Of Making Money Online For Free

Just as with many things in life, Bum Marketing can be very difficult if you can't grasp what exactly it is or how to go about doing it. This is why I am going to break down the process of Bum Marketing for you into to very simple and easy to digest steps. Let's begin!

1. You Are What You Sell

In order to make money using Bum Marketing you are going to need to sell products. This is still a form of marketing and as such you will be promoting products in order to earn a commission. Basically, you will be an affiliate to whatever products you decide to promote. And one of the best ways to get started with affiliate marketing is to sign up with ClickBank. It is absolutely free to sign up and there is no age restriction. There are also thousands of digital products to choose from so finding a product you would like to promote should be very easy. Just visit ClickBank.com to get started or click here.

2. Make A Landing Page

The next step after signing up with ClickBank and choosing a product that you would like to promote is to create a landing page for that product. A landing page is a place that you will be directing targeted visitors to in hopes that they will buy the product which you are promoting. One of the best ways to go about constructing a landing page is to create a short and honest review of the product. It is very important to not blatantly promote your product and say only good things about it. You need to realize that if someone is looking at your landing page then they are mostly likely interested in the product already. And you don't try to sell a product to someone when they are already sold.

So how do you go about creating a landing page? A great way to make a landing page is to use a free web 2.0 platform. And 3 of the best free platforms are Squidoo, Blogger, and HubPages. These websites make it very easy to create your very own webpage centered around the product you are promoting at absolutely no charge. Just click the names of any of the three to get started.

3. Drive Traffic With Articles

After you have created your landing page you need to drive traffic to it. And remember, Bum Marketing is about making money online for free. You're interested in driving free targeted traffic to your landing page, right? In order to do this you will need to use a free form of advertising called article marketing. Basically, you will sign up for an article directory and then write articles based around the topic of the product you are promoting. And at the end of the article you will link back to your landing page. This will not only drive targeted traffic to your landing page but it will also provide quality backlinks. EzineArticles is probably the most popular article directory so you will want to start with them.

And that's about it...

Remember, this is just the basic outline of the process that goes into Bum Marketing. I could go on and on about the specific aspects that make up Bum Marketing but this brief outline should give you a very good understanding of the method. Good luck making money online for free, and remember to subscribe to this blog is you found this post helpful!

Thanks for reading!

Do Not Give Up!

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I'm sure all of you are familiar with the ups and down....and well mostly downs that come along with internet marketing. Believe me I'm rather new to the world of internet marketing so I know just how frustrating it can be to work for hours on end and see no results.

This post will be rather short but hopefully it will give you some inspiration to keep going. Here is my short little story...

From August 27 through the 29 I had a sale every single day using this method. While I enjoyed the fact that I had made a sale 3 days in a row, I was still really mad that I wasn't seeing any results from campaigns I had previously worked my ass off on. Things only got worse over the next two days. From August 30 through the 31 I made a total of....$0. Yep, not a single sale. And what sucked even more was that I was to start my senior year of high school in just two days.

Thankfully, things got better the next day. No, scratch that. Things got MUCH better the following day. In fact, I had reached a new milestone. On September 2 I woke up and quickly headed over to my computer. I then double clicked Firefox and headed over to my account on ClickBank. Now, this an entirely normal daily routine of mine but finding that I had earned $76 while sleeping...not so much. I had made 2 sales while sleeping! And not only was this my first day of making 2 sales but I had also sold 2 entirely unique products. And 1 of these products was even a campaign that I had worked really hard on a few weeks before. Enough talking though, take a look at the screen shot!

So, what is the point of me telling you this? Purely to keep you going. While you may not see results right away from your internet marketing efforts it is important to keep on persisting. You may even find yourself making money when you least expect it.