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How To Improve Your Article's CTR

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Article marketing is one of the best free methods of driving traffic....as long as your readers are clicking through. And this is something that many people struggle with when it comes article marketing. Sure anyone can create a decent article, but few know how to write in such a way so that they can both inform the reader and gain their click. In this post I am going to reveal some of the stategies that I have used over the past two months which have allowed me to obtain an average CTR of 30%. Over this short period of time I have written a total of 82 articles for EzineArticles.com (74 live/8 pending). Believe me, I've put a lot of hard work into my article marketing efforts. Anyways, enough of the meaningless chatter. Let's get down to business.

Could I See Some Proof?

Above you can see some stats for 20 of my published articles. Now, keep in mind that this set of articles is just for one niche that I am marketing for. As I've said before, I have a total of 82 articles written. The reason why I am showing these stats in particular is because they are among my most impressive. I've learned a lot over the past 2 months of article marketing and these stats prove that.

How Did I Do It?

Over the course of writing 82 articles I've learned what works and what doesn't when it comes to gaining the reader's attention as well as their click through. Yes, I have had articles published on EzineArticles that have done horribly as far as views and click through's. But I have also had articles published who have produced CTR well over 30%. Just look at the screenshot above to see what I mean. Guess what, though? By looking over my successful articles I now know why they have done so well. And I am willing to share the 3 most succesful techniques when it comes to improving your CTR. Alright, let's get started!

1. What Came First, The Click Or The View?

In order to have someone click a link in your article you first have to make sure that people are actually viewing your article. And the best way to do this is to create a compelling title. The first thing that a potential reader sees is your title, so you need to make sure that it grabs their attention and invokes curiosity. The hard part about is that creating a title solely focused on this aspect can potentially hurt your article's SEO. So, how exactly can you a balance between the two? Make your titles longer. Seriously, this is all you need to do. By using a longer title you can not only utilize keyword rich phrases but you can also gain the potential reader's attention. Still not sure what I mean? Don't worry, I've created a sample title that outlines the format you should be using in order gain readers.

"Making Money Online-How You Can Live The Life You've Always Wanted"

So basically you will split your title into two sections. In the first you will use your a keyword phase of your choice and in the second you will try to appeal to the potential reader's emotions.

2. Keep It Short

If you want a reader to click the link at the end of your article then you need to keep it short. Many people are looking for a quick fix for their problems and aren't interested in reading a long drawn out articles. This is why you need to make your articles 250-350 words in length. This is just the right length to ensure that you will grab the readers attention as well as leave them craving more. I'm sure that their are many writers out there who are successful with longer articles but through my experience I have learned that shorter articles have provided the best results.

3. To Be Continued

This last technique is probably the most important so pay attention. And actually there are two aspects to this technique. The basic idea of this technique is that you give the reader what they want in such a way that they will want more. Now, I realize that this concept is rather confusing but first let me further explain what I mean by this.

Once you have gained a reader you need to make sure that you keep their interest. So, in order to do this you need to get the reader thinking. The best way to do this is by asking a question. For instance, "What would you buy with all of the extra cash earned through internet marketing?". You see, I've made the reader realize that by being an internet marketer they will be able to earn an extra source of income. And I've left it up to them to decide how they would use this money. The reason why this works is because I am causing the reader to experience several key emotions at the same time. I've given them hope of making money and excitement through allowing them to dictate how they would use the extra cash. And because of these two things I have also made them curious for more information, which means that they will continue to read the article.

The next part to this technique is to lead the reader to believe that your link is the solution to their problem. What I mean by this is that after asking the reader a question you will need to give them a portion of the information they desire but also leave them wanting more. This is something that is rather difficult to master because you will need to find a balance that works for you.

Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment if you have any questions or feedback.


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